10 Relapse Prevention Group Activities For Individuals In Recovery

The paper is passed around so that other members can write positive affirmations directed to the member. This activity can be uplifting for individuals struggling with depression and decrease levels of anxiety. Problem-solving practice helps identify strategies to support people in coping with the difficulties of life and creates the ability to solve everyday problems.

  • Group therapy provides a uniquely rich environment and powerful setting that can improve mental health.
  • Whether it’s 12-step meetings, SMART Recovery, or group therapy, these services are a crucial part of drug and alcohol treatment programs and aftercare support.
  • Group therapy topics related to resilience can encompass stress management, emotional regulation, and self-care strategies.
  • Instruct each member to reflect for a few moments on things in their lives that they feel thankful for.

It will help teens to get more comfortable interacting with each other and learn something new about the other members. Several exercises and techniques that work well in younger group activities for adults with substance abuse groups are listed below. For more tips on facilitating check-in and the role of personal interactions between group members, have a look at the videos we’ve linked to below.

Group Activities In Addiction Recovery

When they are done, they can share their counts and their NUTS and ANTS with the group, if they are comfortable doing so. For this activity, the therapist should lead the group through a discussion of NUTS and ANTS, terms which can be used interchangeably when talking about the self-sabotaging habits we have. Working in a group will help relieve clients of this false belief and encourage them to share and connect with others. Ask each member one of these questions or all of these questions if time permits, and encourage them to give it some thought and answer it honestly and in a meaningful way. These questions should be fun and interesting questions that will help the members get more comfortable talking about themselves. The directions instruct the child to fill in the blank “When I feel…” with a specific emotion.

  • Check out our curated collections of resources for all types of healthcare professionals.
  • Group mindfulness sessions provide an opportunity for individuals to practice mindfulness together, share their experiences, and support each other in developing a mindful approach to recovery.
  • However, having a regular routine provides the necessary structure to life.

It creates a sense of safety and security, enabling participants to explore their emotions and vulnerabilities in a supportive environment. Trust also fosters a sense of camaraderie and connection among group members, which can be incredibly powerful in the recovery process. These https://ecosoberhouse.com/ activities can help build healthy relationships and improve personal emotional wellness. In group sessions, leaders teach the real-time practice of mindfulness to shift someone’s thoughts around addiction or mental health issues to prevent relapse and act as a form of treatment.

Substance Abuse Worksheets Bundle PDF Templates

Find out more about and download Dealing With Guilt Through Writing from our Positive Psychology Toolkit©. Many of those struggling with depression or anxiety will turn to unhealthy, unhelpful, or even harmful ways to cope. Our caring admissions navigators are available 24/7 to answer your questions about what to expect at rehab, levels of addiction treatment, and how to start the rehab admissions process. Many recovery groups encourage gratitude by having members write gratitude lists.

coping skills group activities for substance abuse